Hamilton Pool, ATX Part 3

Hi Friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Mine was pretty lazy, but I got out of the house a little which was much needed.

Anyway, one more post from my trip last week to Austin, TX. (Check out Part 1 and Part 2!) We wanted to get outside, especially since my sister and her friend came down from the blustery cold in Ohio. We chose Hamilton Pool because it was close to Austin and there wasn’t a lot of time added to our trip home. It was the perfect outdoor detour!

Hamilton Pool, Texas

Hamilton Pool, activewear, ATX

Activewear, Hamilton Pool, ATX

Hamilton Pool, Texas

Activewear, Hamilton Pool, ATX

Activewear, Hamilton Pool, ATX

Hamilton Pool, Texas

Garmin, Activewear, Hamilton Pool

Hamilton Pool, Texas

Activewear, Hamilton Pool, ATX

Hamilton Pool, Texas

Tank- Lucy | Pants- Nike, sold out but here are the matching shorts, and I linked other great black and white versions here, here, and here | Shoes- Mizuno, here is the newer version | Watch- Garmin


xoxo Kasey

Rock and Roll Half Marathon

Hi Everyone! I can’t believe it has been almost two whole months since I ran my first marathon! (If you missed it click here!) I have some exciting news to announce… I’m running another big race! Right before the Dallas Marathon I was super excited and exploring at the Health and Fitness Expo. I of course stopped at most of the booths to see what swag I could get. I ended up at the Rock and Roll Marathon booth, and accidentally signed up for another race. I was a little swept into the moment! The Rock and Roll Marathon Series started in 1998 with the idea of placing bands along a race course. More runners take part in this series than any other in the US! They only run the half marathon in Dallas, and thank goodness, I don’t think I would be ready for a whole again!

As you know, I have taken some time off and haven’t had much of a work out schedule since December. I usually take the winter months off, because I hate the cold, treadmills, and have an aversion to machines in gyms. I’m working on it, guys! This race will definitely make me get over a few of those things, but I’m actually really excited about getting back into a schedule… about time because the race is 6 weeks away. It snuck up on me!

So, I found a great training program from SHAPE that I started today. (A rest day, but I did yoga.) I chose an intermediate program because I would love to improve my time, and mentally I’m past “just finishing.” (I did double that distance!) I’m a little intimidated about my 6 week goal, but when I cross that finish line it will all be worth it!

Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 10.00.30 PM

Thanks for reading!




30 Day Challenge

Hi Everyone! Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but although I was dreading going back to work, I was definitely ready to get back into a routine. That includes a new workout routine. Now that I don’t have a marathon to train for I need a new challenge that will force me to be active and fit (aside from my dogs). I realized that my body was a bit unbalanced since I focused most of my marathon training on running and biking (with a little bit of tennis), I didn’t do much for my arms or abs. So my challenge was easy, find a couple arms and abs workouts that will be easy for me to work in and not hate to do. Naturally I turned to Pinterest and found some great 30 day challenges that I plan to implement. Day 1, check! By the way, this is NOT my New Year’s Resolution, I am fundamentally against them. If you want to do something, do it, if you want to change something, change it. No procrastinating, and no excuses!


Below I have linked a cute outfit for more workout inspiration!

Screen Shot 2016-01-04 at 9.37.41 PM

Nike Pro Hyperwarm Half-Zip Top • Nike • $65
Koral Activewear Forge Contrast-Panel Sport Leggings • Koral Activewear • $145
KORAL ACTIVEWEAR Yu Double Time Tank • Koral Activewear • $86
Nike FlyKnit Roshe Run Sneaker (Women) • Nike • $120
Nike ‘Pro Classic’ Padded 8-Bit Sports Bra • Nike • $45
Nike Sport Headbands (6-Pack) • Nike • $15


xoxo Kasey

Run It For The Jewelry


I started the Run Dallas Race Series all the way back when I signed up for the Dallas Marathon. It was comprised of three 5ks put on by Dallas sports teams, ending with the Dallas Marathon. Because, why just do a marathon? Plus I’m always up for another piece of jewelry, upon completion of the final race at the Dallas Marathon, you received a special medal. Of course I wanted a special medal!

The first 5k in this series, the FC Footy 5k, was actually my first 5k ever. I started running in college to keep in shape, and then decided to do a half marathon last year with a friend, but I had never actually raced a 5k. In fact I didn’t know how to race a 5k. I wouldn’t actually call it racing. I just ran. And then I ran the Rangers 5k and then the Mavs 5k, and finally the Dallas Marathon.

There really is something to getting a medal for an accomplishment, it’s a goal completed, and you have something to show for it. I think that’s why I like races, and keep going farther and challenging myself to do new things. I never did like monotony and I get bored easily. So, what’s life without a race to train for or a goal to complete.

My first marathon was certainly not just something to cross off my bucket list, and I plan to go faster and maybe even farther… an Ultra? Triathlon? Ironman? Who knows? For now I’m taking the rest of December off, but will be back training for my next race-the Rock and Roll half Marathon in March! Stay tuned!



mavs 5k

Dallas Marathon2

xoxo Kasey

26.2 Thoughts During My First Marathon

I did it! I am officially a marathon runner! Words cannot express how proud and accomplished I feel. And sore, don’t forget sore. My first marathon went exactly how I wanted it to go. I saw my friends and family along the way, cheering me on in the rain and cold. I ran the majority of the time, finished way ahead of where I thought I was going to be, and truly felt great the whole time. I feel blessed that I have the ability to do this, to run, and to enjoy it. A day later it feels just like any other day, but I know I accomplished something amazing that I have worked towards for months. It was a great journey, and to close this series, I want to share my 26.2 mile experience.

Dallas Marathon



Mile 1: Let’s do this. I. am. ready.

Mile 2: Did I run a mile yet? Maybe I should be paying better attention to my splits… I already lost the pace group somewhere behind me, am I going too fast? I hope I don’t run out of energy.

Mile 3: Hmm… my parents should be somewhere around here… I hope they figured out Uber since I took my car.

Mile 4: They made it! Awe look at them standing in the rain cheering me on, hi mom and dad! Ah! There’s Kirsten and Henry (Kirsten’s dog)! Hi guys!

Mile 5: Still feeling great! I should eat some shot blocks to prepare for the rest of the race. I only have to do this distance 5 more times and I’ll be almost done. Oh that’s good Kasey, start counting down at mile 5, it won’t feel like 4 more hours at all if you do that…

Mile 6: Aren’t there supposed to be hills somewhere around here? Maybe I already ran them and didn’t notice.

Mile 7: Its so weird to be running across the highway. It’s nice of the city to shut down the roads for us!

Mile 8: There’s Moira! Hi Moira! I’m really jealous that you had sunshine last week for your race while I’m wet and cold!

Mile 9: Awe how cute mom and dad found matching hats. Hi again!

Mile 10: Oh good, there’s the full/half split. I thought I missed it and went the wrong way! No turning back now, and I know I won’t see anyone else until the 20s, but I’m heading towards the lake, I’m used to running there,  it’ll be like a Sunday morning workout.

Mile 11: I wonder if I wave to the elite people finishing up if they’ll wave back… nope, didn’t even notice me. Wow they are fast!

Mile 12: Found the hills. I was really hoping I blacked out and passed them already.

Mile 13 (and 13.1): Woo! half way there. Cue the mental math of the time the 13.1 mile marker was clocking minus the time my corral started, plus me factoring in where my pace group was now located. I didn’t figure much out, but it kept my mind busy for a while.

Mile 14: Oh look, there are all the people ahead of me I get to run past before the turnaround for another 2 miles.

Mile 15: Why is it still cold?  I thought the sun was coming out. I really wish I wore pants. What was that announcer saying about hypothermia earlier? Shouldn’t I be on my way back yet? Mental math ensues again.

Mile 16: Found it! The turnaround! I’m in the home stretch only… 10 more miles… 10.2 more miles. No rounding here, it all counts.

Mile 17: Sudden burst of energy gone. That’s a big hill, is this a hill? Why am I so tired? I should walk a little. I’ll power walk, which to the bystanders probably looks like normal walking, but feels a little like running at this point. (This was my longest mile.)

Mile 18: In my mind: No, I do not want a beer unless you want to clean up my puke right over there. What actually happened: “No thank you” *smiles and waves*

Mile 19: Almost there! Only… oh I still have about an hour left. Make that an hour and a half. I really need to stop counting down, it’s not helping at all.

Mile 20: When will I get out of this neighborhood and back to the city? I like it better there, fewer hills. I wish I had my inhaler. Mom! Dad! You have my inhaler! Quick pit stop to breathe and a wave to my lovely parents (thanks for holding my inhaler and not taking pictures of me using it).

Mile 21: Finally, I’m back where I first saw the elite runners passing me! They’re probably warm, showered, and napping by now. Moira! I wasn’t expecting to see you again! Hello again and thanks for giving me a sweaty hug.

Mile 22: Woo, I’m heading back to the city! Wow I’ve been passing a lot of people, am I going too fast? No, at this point I just want to finish, no more conserving energy. Ow my legs hurt. Hey! There’s Kale!

Mile 23: Speaking of energy, didn’t I grab one of those gooey energy things a few miles ago? Yes! I’ll just eat this and run the last few miles!

Mile 24: Ok, maybe it doesn’t work that fast. I’ll run a little more then walk after I get to that light. How did Kale get over here that fast?

Mile 25: Ok, let’s do this, last 2.2, I’m going to run it all! Maybe I’ll just walk under this bridge and through the water station. My legs hurt a lot, why does it feel like my muscle is un-attaching itself and I’m going to leave it behind?

Mile 26: Yesyesyesyesyes I’m finishing a marathon! All I have to do is not trip and injure myself for 1.2 miles and I’m golden. Ow my legs. Never mind, I’ll pay attention to the pain after I finish, I’m so close! Hi mom and dad! See you at the finish line!

Mile 26.2: I’m at an all out sprint, how do I have any energy left for this? Uh oh, slowing down.. No, I just need to finish and I can stop then. Kick it in! Kick what in? That’s all I have left! Al-most-there- DONE.

The Finish Line: Confusion ensues. Lots of people yelling my name. I guess I’m supposed to keep moving forward. It’s a little insensitive that they don’t have a ride waiting for me. I did just run 26.2 miles. Oh! My medal!

Dallas Marathon Medal

Dallas Marathon2
I guess you have to run faster to get the party at the end…
Dallas Marathon3
This is my “Let’s be done with pictures because I want dry clothes and a warm shower” face. 

Thank you to everyone who came out to support me and to all of you who followed my journey from home! It means so much to have such amazing people in my life!

xoxo Kasey

Training Update: Week #15

Aah! Only 6 days until the Dallas Marathon! I can’t believe that it’s finally here, it felt at some points that I would be training forever. Yesterday I ran my final long run of ten miles. The great news is, my knee was fully functioning and felt pretty good! (Sidetone: I saw a bunch of sailboats and stopped to take pictures.)This run was for confidence, and I definitely gained some after royally messing up my training schedule.


At this point there is nothing else I can do except get get some rest, act normal, and go for it! I’m terrified and nervous, but mostly excited! Next week my post will be about the race, no more training! Stay tuned, and as always, I could use some luck 🙂


xoxo Kasey

Training Update: Week #13

Hi Everyone! I went to the sport doctor last week, and he worked on my leg. My knee basically tracks in the wrong direction when I run, which is caused by weak muscles in my hips and causes all sorts of other issues. I plan to go back until the marathon and hope I can get through it with the problem at least better, if not solved! Today I ran over 6 miles without stopping which is the most I’ve been able to do in a long time, so I’m happy with it. I finished my “long run”/workout on the bike.

I realized something important today. I CAN get through the pain when I need to. I don’t want to push myself too hard before the race, but I know that motivation plus adrenaline will definitely allow me to run though the pain and finish the marathon.

This race is so important to me, and I’m still not sure why. I hate setting goals for myself that I can’t complete, and that’s definitely part of it. I also love running, and though my injury, I thin I forgot that at some point. I dread going for runs because it hurts, and what a shame that is to turn something I did for fun and exercise into something I’m scared to do. So today while I was running, I just ignored it and thought about how beautiful it was today. The leaves are changing color, it was sunny and bright, and I was happy. I enjoyed my 6 miles, and realized that if I just have fun, then the 26.2 miles will be exactly what I wanted them to be.

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Kasey

Training Update: Week #12

Hi friends! I don’t have much of an update right now. I’m at a bit of a standstill with my training until I visit the doctor this week. I’m struggling with my knee pain and really need a solution before the marathon in a month! I’m hoping the doctor can help get me through this!

I’m going to a sports medicine place, because I need someone who understands athletes. I want someone who will help me fix the problem and work through it  towards my goal rather than tell me to rest, ice, and take anti-inflammatories. My fingers are crossed.. I’ll keep you updated!

xoxo Kasey

Training Update: Week #9

mavs 5k

What a week! Last week was so busy, and on top of that we had a ton of rain. Apparently everything is bigger in Texas, even the rainstorms! It all started on Thursday with dark clouds and thunder. It was also the night of the Mavs 5K, the last race in the Run Dallas Race Series. I thought for sure the race would be cancelled when they started ushering everyone into the American Airlines Center due to lightning. But, sure enough, fifteen minutes later we were lining up. Ready, set, cue the rain, go!

mavs 5k 3

I actually finished with a great time considering speed is not my strength. Anything under 30 mins for a 5k is fantastic in my book. Plus, it was improvement which I will take any day.


Speaking of improvement, I ran 12 miles this weekend. Super casual, right? Wrong. I had planned to run Sunday morning and get it over with, but as you probably know by now, I am not a morning person. Upon checking the weather and seeing that it was supposed to rain for the two hours that I was supposed to run that morning, I decided against it and waited until the afternoon.


It is incredibly hard to convince yourself to get off the couch and go for a run, let alone a 12 mile one. Somehow, I did it and managed to complete the 12 miles faster than the 10.5 miles last week. Improvement, again I’m super happy with it. I am definitely sore today.

I was told before I ran my first half marathon last year that everything goes numb after your 8th mile, and weirdly the hardest miles were 5 and 6. After that, I did kind of go numb. I figured out the best form to finish with and just ran with my body going through the motions. Hopefully I’ll figure out those motions earlier next time and reduce my walking time. The DRC Half Marathon is next weekend, I am really excited, and as long as my knee holds up and I can run the whole time I am aiming to beat my time from last year. Wish me luck!

Shop my 5K outfit here!

Top | Bottoms | Headband | Shoes

xoxo Kasey

Training Update: Week #5

7.52 miles down! It’s really unbelievable what I willingly do to myself. My run on the trail would have ended at 6.5 miles or so, but somehow I (rightly) convinced myself that cutting my run short was only cheating myself. This was completely true, but I don’t always listen to myself. You see, I’m pretty stubborn. I can talk myself into and out of pretty much anything.

I’m impulsive, and a planner but absolutely terrible at following schedules (but I love to make them). It’s hard to constantly remember what I’m working towards, with the marathon still a couple of months away. So, last week I impulsively signed up for a few more races that happened to perfectly match up with my training schedule, giving me shorter goals to work towards. Next week I have a 15k… wish me luck!


xoxo Kasey