24 Thoughts for 24 Years

Hi Everyone!

It’s my birthday (and I’m obviously not shy about sharing that fact), but just as cool is its National Drink Wine Day. What a perfect coincidence!

For this post I want to reflect on the last year and all I have learned and accomplished. So, here’s a list of my favorite moments and accomplishments!

  1. I traveled so much more this year! I love seeing new places and doing new things, but don’t often take the time and money to go, so even a couple new places is a huge feat for me!
  2. I moved into my own place. I have never lived by myself before and to take the leap and live by myself for the first time was huge for me.
  3. In this leap, I discovered my love of interior decorating.
  4. I actually reused what I had and DIY’d many pieces in my apartment. My Pinterest was never more active than when I was decorating.
  5. I managed to live halfway across the country from my parents somewhat successfully.
  6. I ran my second half marathon!
  7. I ran my first full marathon!
  8. I played tennis again! That hasn’t happened since high school, but I was so excited to find a tennis meet up that I could join and play with.
  9.  I was way more active. Going along with #6-8, I maintained my fitness throughout the year much better than I have in the past.
  10. I met a fantastic guy 🙂
  11. I made a ton of new friends (many through said guy).
  12. I have still not missed a Thanksgiving or Christmas with my family.
  13. I have also managed to successfully tag along on vacations as well!
  14.  I remain in touch with my best friends from childhood. Almost nothing matters more than the people who have been there for you your entire life. Why let a few states get in the way?
  15.  I managed to talk to my parents more now than I did when I lived with them. We’re close.
  16. I kept another being alive for a year-my dog, Elie! It was her first gotcha day in July, and we had a fantastic first year together.
  17. I did so well with the above, I decided I needed another one.
  18.  Money management: I got my first credit card with a large credit limit, which was incredibly daunting at the time. I’m happy to announce that I have managed it responsibly, if I do day so myself!
  19. I decided on a career path. Weirdly enough, I circled back to my college major and decided to focus a career in Marketing.
  20. I read more. On planes, by the pool, I am thrilled to realize that I have read many more books this year than possible in the last four combined.
  21. I started this blog!
  22. Not only did I start this blog, I am consistently posting and fully committed to it, which was my biggest problem in the past.
  23. I got over my fear of going places alone.
  24.  I continued to follow my dreams of this blog and business.